Shopping Offers - LeetCode
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음.. 요즘에는 예전과는 다르게,
최적 값 찾는 문제를 테이블로 어떻게 접근할 것인지 부터 생각하고있네
예전엔 반대였는데
아무튼, 긍정적인 신호고
반대로 DP문제에서 테이블 접근에 있어서 답이 도저히 안나 올 때는
그냥 직관적으로 recursion을 이용해 코드를 풀어 쓰고,
memoization을 적용하면 의외로 쉽게 풀릴 수도 있다.
첫 시도에서 실패
class Solution:
def shoppingOffers(self, price: List[int], special: List[List[int]], needs: List[int]) -> int:
memo = dict()
# return minimum cost to meat the target
def dfs(targets):
if tuple(targets) in memo:
return memo[targets]
ret = float('inf')
best_after_using = None
use_any_offer = False
for offer in special:
counts = offer[:-1]
price_offer = offer[-1]
can_use = True
after_using = [0]*len(targets)
for i, c in enumerate(counts):
if c > targets[i]:
can_use = False
after_using[i] = targets[i]-c
if not can_use:
trial = dfs(after_using)+price_offer
if trial < ret:
ret = trial
use_any_offer = True
if not use_any_offer:
ret = 0
for i, c in enumerate(targets):
if c <= 0:
ret += c * price[i]
memo[tuple(targets)] = ret
return ret
return dfs(needs)
offer를 이용하지 않고 해결하는 코드를
위로 올려줬다.
84ms, 84%!!!
class Solution:
def shoppingOffers(self, price: List[int], special: List[List[int]], needs: List[int]) -> int:
memo = dict()
# return minimum cost to meat the target
def dfs(targets):
if tuple(targets) in memo:
return memo[tuple(targets)]
ret = 0
for i, c in enumerate(targets):
if c <= 0:
ret += c * price[i]
use_any_offer = False
for offer in special:
counts = offer[:-1]
price_offer = offer[-1]
can_use = True
after_using = [0]*len(targets)
for i, c in enumerate(counts):
if c > targets[i]:
can_use = False
after_using[i] = targets[i]-c
if not can_use:
trial = dfs(after_using)+price_offer
if trial < ret:
ret = trial
use_any_offer = True
memo[tuple(targets)] = ret
return ret
return dfs(needs)
50ms (top solution)
class Solution:
def shoppingOffers(self, price: List[int], special: List[List[int]], needs: List[int]) -> int:
cache = {}
def help(price, special, needs):
if tuple(needs) in cache:
return cache[tuple(needs)]
for p, n in zip(price, needs):
cost += p*n
for offer in special:
for n_need, n_offer in zip(needs, offer):
if n_offer > n_need:
new_needs = [need - offer[i] for i, need in enumerate(needs)]
cost = min(cost, offer[-1] + help(price, special, new_needs))
cache[tuple(needs)] = cost
return cost
return help(price, special, needs)
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